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Blackcork:The cork sustainable design

Jan 11, 2023

The cork sustainable design:
It is the only used cork of the branches (falca) for the manufacture of cork granules. These are block clusters in an autoclave, being a 100% natural process without the use of additives. The technology, developed by Sofalca, consists of injecting water vapor through the pellets that will expand and agglutinate with the resins of the cork itself. This "cooking" also gives a dark color to the agglomerated cork, like chocolate. The production of steam is used biomass, obtained from the milling and cleaning of the falca, which makes it truly ecological production and, without waste, 95% energy self-sufficient. As a super-material, cork offers so many advantages because, in addition to its excellent thermic, acoustic insulation and antivibration characteristic, it is also a CO2 sink playing a key role in the environment.

Blackcork:The cork sustainable design