Resonating Legacy: From Bang & Olufsen's Humble Start to Fidelity-Rich Experiences

Beosound A5
In 1925, Peter Bang and Svend Olufsen created the first radio you could plug into your home. A century later, we’re still innovating. But for a remarkably different world to back then.
Today, endless distractions suffocate our senses at every turn. Our homes are filled with objects that leave us empty. Chances to pause and appreciate are few and far between. Now as always, music and film are escape routes from the chaos. Now as always, we need to get closer to the artists we love, reclaim moments for ourselves and feel everything with absolute fidelity – and that’s where we come in.

Turn off the noise.
Tune into the moment.
When life moves at the speed of sound, the moments we take for ourselves are even more precious. Our beautifully crafted sound and vision experiences celebrate each and every one of them. So we can all hear, see and feel with absolute fidelity. Be surrounded by belongings that soothe our senses. And be immersed in music and film that adds richness to life.